In addition to finishing the Something to Crow About weekly challenge, I also had some time to draw this woman--who needs a name. Suggestions? I also used some of the fantabulous papers I received in a grab back from Kelly Kilmer this last week. I had never bought a grab bag on line before, and let me tell you if Kelly ever sells more, I will buy them. What's great is that she lives in California and well, here in ol' St. Joe MO I don't have a lot of paper varieties, so opening her package and finding such wonderful Asian influenced papers was heavenly. I really wanted to roll around in the papers. Yes, I have issues, but I'm such a tactile person, that I just wanted to feel all the textures and stare at the vivid colors. I used the papers to create this drawing's clothing (no really she needs a name). I really enjoyed incorporating the colors and textures for her blouse.
So, today, the plan is to organize my art room and get it ready for the move. I am trying to decide if it should be the first room to be moved or the last. Later today, I'm helping Eric move some of his kitchen stuff around and out to make room for my new dining room table, which means that the first room to be moved from my house will likely be my dining room. Eric doesn't have a dining room--just a large kitchen, so we are going to have to do some shifting. All of my dining room furniture must move with me and not go to storage--to much monetary and emotional value in them to trust them to the dreaded storage unit!
Hi Kelly :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving the link - it's good to meet you, thanks to Nancy B! :D
I love what you've done here, those papers are beautiful (I have similar 'issues'! ;))and she looks like a Valerie to me...
Oxford is a very beautiful place, you were lucky to spend time there - I've only been there once or twice in my life, to visit the Pitt Rivers Museum - I do hope you went there while you were here!
I live North of Oxford, 20 miles south of Birmingham in the Midlands. I have another Flickr account (suesviews) where you can see some more of my photo's, should you wish, or if indeed you have the time! :)
Your life sounds very exciting at the minute and I do hope your move goes smoothly. My very best wishes to you both from my little corner of England...
Hugs, Suze xXx
She can definitely be a Valerie! Kelly Kilmer is famous for her love of paper, so I can imagine how a pack of papers from her much be amazing. I took a class from her once and loved it! Not to be missed if she's in your area. Can you please send me your email? I just sent you one not noticing the "no-reply" thing instead of a regular address. :-(
She looks like a Delilah. Cassandra, Lilly. Beautiful work! I joined that challenge but have yet to make anything, too busy planning homeschool right now.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
thanks for stopping by my blog...and your GREAT comments! i really like your work here!
Great use of color and pattern in the clothes. It looks fantastic when enlarged!
What an amazing painting! Those papers are wonderful and you used them so well. I wish I could think of a name. I'll be back if I think of something:)
Moving is a bear! Last time I moved I didn't have any art supplies or Blythes either-ack, how will I ever move again?! Thanks for visiting.
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